
We are a non-denominational and loving group of people who know we are not perfect, and owe everything in our lives to Jesus.  We believe that Jesus is our only source of forgiveness, joy, hope, and peace in this life.  We invite you to check us out and become a part of our family here in Phillipsburg, NJ!  To find out more about us, please explore our website, and contact us if you have any questions.  We’d love to meet you soon!

Join us on Wednesdays at 7 pm for a time of snacks, games, and Bible lessons!
Join us at the church on Saturday, April 12, from 10 am – 12 pm, for a fun time of treats, crafts, egg decorating, an egg hunt, and hearing the story of Jesus saving us from our sins!
Join us on Friday, April 18 for our Good Friday Service with music, Special Music, a devotional message, celebrating Communion, and reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. Then, plan on joining us in celebrating His resurrection for our salvation the following Sunday, April 20, with more music, Special Music, and a special Easter/Resurrection message!

Food Pantry: Our Food Pantry is open for Curbside Pick-up on the Second Friday and Third Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm.

Online Giving: If you would like to give your tithe or offering, or donate, to Fellowship Church online through our secure partner service Tithe.ly, please click the button below:

Subscribe to our Podcast

Find, listen, and subscribe to the FREE PODCAST of our morning messages in the iTunes store or in the Google Podcasts!

Find Us

Fellowship Church
300 Cromwell St. Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Fellowship Church Ministry Center
1724 Belvidere Rd. Phillipsburg, NJ 08865